Privacy and Cookies Policy


This Privacy and Cookies Policy sets out Norfolk Profile Roofing’s approach to Privacy on our website and our use of Cookies.  We recommend reading through this policy to gain a better understanding of our approach.

Who we are?

We are a hard metal roofing company based in Norfolk. You contact us using the details below.

Norfolk Profile Roofing
14 Church Road
NR11 7NA

Phone: 07393 658 454


What information do we collect?

We do not collect much information through our website. The only location on the website where information is collected is on our Contact page.

On the contact form, located on the Contact page, your name and email address are required information (as we need to be able to get back in touch with you). Your phone number is optional. We also collect a subject and message (so we know what you’d like to discuss).

How do we use personal information?

The information we collect in the contact form, mentioned above, is only used for contacting you in relation to the message you send us via the contact form.

What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?

As the personal information we collect is related to the message you send us (which will be in relation to work you would like us to carry out or enquiries about a hard metal roof), we process that information under the Legitimate Interest condition for processing set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

When do we share personal data?

As mentioned above, we only process the personal data we collect via the contact form for that sole purpose (contacting you regarding your enquiry). We do not share your personal data with anyone.

Where do we store and process personal data?

As the personal data we collect is via the contact form, the personal information is stored in Norfolk Profile Roofing’s email inbox for us to reply to you (or call you if that’s your preferred method of communication, and if you enter a phone number in the contact form).

One reason we selected our particular website hosting company is because their website hosting servers are based in the UK.

How do we secure personal data?

Our business email inbox, where the contact form emails are sent to from the website, is password protected and access is not granted to anyone outside the company.

The hosting provider we have chosen for hosting this website and our email account was chosen in part for their approach to security. Additionally, we use an SSL certificate on the website to ensure communications between your web browser and our website servers are encrypted.

Your rights in relation to personal data

Under the GDPR, for the personal information we hold on you in relation to the contact form, you can: ask to access it (be provided with copies of any personal information we hold on you), ask for it to be corrected or deleted, restrict the processing of your personal data (you may ask us to not use the information you provided on the contact form to contact you), and you may also raise a complaint about the processing of your personal data to the Information Commissioners Office.

If you would like to exercise your rights in relation to your personal data, you may contact us using the contact information in the section below.

How can you contact us?

If you have questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, your personal information, or if you wish to file a complaint, you may use the following details:

Norfolk Profile Roofing
14 Church Road
NR11 7NA

Phone: 07393 658 454


Use of cookies and other technologies

As privacy is important to us, we do not use any cookies on our website.

Linking to other websites / third party content

From time to time, for example when writing a news article that we publish on our Blog page, we may include links to websites or companies that are not our own. If we do, please note that this Privacy and Cookies policy does not apply to the other business’s website.

If you follow a link to another website, we cannot be held responsible for their privacy or cookie practices. We always recommend you read the Privacy policy on the website you are visiting at the time.